Balancing together towards success.

Balancing Act inspires you and your organization to get more into balance so you can realize your objectives efficiently and effectively. 

As the world evolves, it is a never ending act… actually it becomes a way of living.”

Balancing Act offers:

Coaching for individuals & teams.

Are you looking to learn day by day and to continue to grow as an individual and as a manager?  Do you sometimes wish you would have more time to reflect and consider alternatives?  Balancing Act offers you a tailored coaching approach to exploit your full potential.  Progress can be accelerated by integrating the ACT ® measurement.

And are you looking for your team(s) to grow? It is very rewarding to apply the coaching approach and stimulate the development and growth of a team.

Strategy development & implementation.

Do you also recognise that the daily pressure often leads to postponement of strategic reflections?  Or the doubt on the route forward is not yet fully sorted out?  Balancing Act supports you in pursueing the process in an effective and efficient way: structured where possible and more exploring where needed. 

The strategy session is tailored to meet your needs.  And if needed, Balancing Act gives you a hand with the implementation too.


Change management / organizational design.

Do you perceive changes as exciting or do you rather feel resistance?  Are you in a pro-active or in a rather reactive modus?  Change is part of our daily life.  Defining what to change, why to change it and how to make it happen is an important process.  

Balancing Act offers you the support in this process and helps to move in a smooth and broadly accepted way – even when organizational redesign is involved – and implement the change in a sustainable way… till the next change is needed.

My Story

34 years of experience gained in corporate organizations:

Leading commercial roles (Regional & General Management, sales, marketing) as well as leading roles in Purchasing, Supply Chain and Human Resources.

Core competencies developed in leading a team, co-creating a vision, an objective and a strategy and have the plans, measures and culture in place to realize it. 

Genuine interest in the people dimension stimulated me to deepen my knowledge in coaching and in consulting along my careerpath.

My fascination:

Balancing together towards success.  


  • Commercial engineer (1986)
  • Bachelor’s degree Sociology (1985)
  • Corporate education: executive MBA programs @ INSEAD, Thunderbird, Harvard Business School
  • Certified coach (inspirerend coachen/Jef Clement) (2011)
  • CIGO (consultancy in groups and organisations) – KUL – Sept 2019 – March 2021
  • Human Being Management – ACT ® certified (2020)
  • Improvisation @ the Belgische Improvisatie Liga (2014)

My approach is inspired by:

Courses Image 05


My teacher was Jef Clement who stimulated me with his “inspiring coaching”. His approach is soft and demanding at the same time.

Process consulting

I finalized the CIGO training at the KUL (Consultancy in Groups & Organizations) learning how successfully and efficiently support the process work and the change management.

34 years of corporate experience

Mainly in BENELUX but also in Germany and Austria. With roles in marketing, sales, HR, general management and regional management. As well in B2C as in B2B

Appreciative inquiry

Ron Fry, an Appreciative Inquiry expert, teached it to me at the University of Cleveland (march 2020).


I have been in several retreats with Thich Naht Hanh since 2009.


i finalized a 3 years training at the “Belgische Improvisatie Liga” giving me plenty of opportunity to go out of my comfort zone and to discover the power of now as well as the pleasure to let others shine

Improvisation workshop:

In addition to a great time together, an improvisation workshop also offers you and your team a whole host of benefits: even better connection, daring, trust, co-creation, initiative, appreciation, energy, amazement, goodwill, flow, responsibility, ... and above all a lot of fun. Contact me at the phone number below or via email for more information.

Get In Touch

Eric Dumez

Balancing Act BV

Orlandus Lassuslaan 101,

1850 Grimbergen